Friday, May 30, 2014


Well crap, I can't believe it's been since Easter! So much has passed me by.
I will just try to write about what comes to mind presently. Our lease surprised us by coming to a close sooner than we thought. It was a 10 month not a 12. So we started looking for a place to move to as our rent was going up too much. We looked and looked and looked and looked! There was nothing that would keep Lydia in her school, we do not want to move her again until she goes to OES, and this is just too soon. We also had Ayla as a hindrance and the one car thing. Though Ed was pretty excited to start riding a bike to work. After stressing it all for a couple weeks, we decided yesterday to stay put for one more year, well 10 months. Chris and Matt were here last weekend.
School is almost out and we have plenty of visitors coming this summer! Though we will miss seeing everyone back home.  We already had our first camping trip to the Ape caves near Mt. St. Helens a couple weeks ago, and are getting up in the morning to go to Cape lookout state park on the coast:
I know I have more on my phone and after this weekend I will try to get those up.

Ok some pix to catch you up, this is our trip to the Ape caves with Bronek, Lina, and Rayanna: