Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I got a call from Lydia's school today. She will not be with the teacher they named. They are bringing on a 3rd third grade teacher and Lydia will be in her class. Changing the class size from 35(WHAT?) to only 22(hmm.) I was understanding that class size was 20ish.
We went to the library today and came across a woman having a conversation on her cell phone, on speaker! Remember when they shushed in libraries? I miss those days. I don't want to hear screaming people and kids there, it was a place of solitude, it was a church.
Lydia and I stopped at the mailboxes on our way out today, I got a great letter from Auntie Mary "99". As I was starting the car, I looked in the rearview as 3 grey hairs pedaled by, I watched as the mans back tire lifted and sent him flying! He jumped up and stood there obviously in pain, but declaring his wellness.
After dinner we were going for a family walk, Lydia had her scooter and I walked behind as she and Ed rode together. They cleared the speed bump with a little "Wooh!" and went on a few feet, and then they went down! Well first up a little, and then down. A few scrapes and tears sent us back home to clean up and dump the scooter. When Ed was okay we went to the grassy field and played with Ayla there for awhile, as we watched an older couple with their Pico dog. I miss my boy!
It's time to start talking about a price drop on the house. And putting it up for rent.
Ed is getting crazy at work, but still witnesses his station and location with glee.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Yesterday Lydia had some play time in the pool with her new friend Willa. And then we went to a cookout on campus. It was a funny flashback to all the private school, welcome back cookouts we have been to. Only this time we didn't know ANYone! We ate and left. I didn't have to cook. Doughnut shop for dessert.
Today Lydia and I went to the pool and Ed joined us late. Pretty uneventful day. The guy came and fixed our cabinets. I think.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Today we put the bed up on the frame, on top of bed risers so we could put storage underneath. It is at a frightening height and I fear we may collapse! Hung some pictures and cleared out a little bit more of the stuff.
After dinner we were getting ready for a family movie night, I looked out the window and our resident Great Blue Heron was strutting by! We have seen him in a few different areas, pretty close, but this was really cool.
This will be the last week with Lydia home. I am really nervous, but really aware of how badly I need to get to work. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013


We just got home and put Lydia to bed, after another evening, in another park, in another part of town, watching another movie. Tonight was Paranorman, it played in The Fields park, in the Pearl district. It was again a beautiful night. Kids running around squealing, people snuggling on blankets, a sixty something couple, in tie dyes and bandanas, dancing in front of their chairs to the live music. 
Ayla came with us tonight, and she was so good. At one end of the park was a fenced dog area, she got to run around a bit, leave a few things behind and then she was ready to go. She lay under Lydia's blanket with her.
Ed had a lunch with his mentor from work today, it went well. We finally broke down and bought a new bed frame, as it turned out to be quite the scavenger hunt to replace the piece the movers lost. Argh. We also replaced the pasta bowls that broke when the shelf fell.
Freebees today,  the movie in the park, a fabulous parking spot, and oh yes, Lydias meal at Denny's(yeah i know).

Friday, August 23, 2013


Yesterday after dinner we took a lovely walk to the park. While there Lydia happened to kneel on a bee, the trip was cut short and we came home. Poor Lydia, it still hurts and is swollen today.
I woke up heavy this morning, not much was accomplished. I DID pull out the guitar when I found some old sheet music, and played a little. Lydia is currently interested in learning, and we have been showing her D and G, which is allowing her to fiddle around with a Taylor Swift song.
Ed's day was spent getting CPR trained. When he came home we decided an adventure was in order. So we got in the car and drove through yet another magnificent, and new to us neighborhood, overlooking the city. From there we went to the food carts in O'Bryant Square, sat and ate in the park and then drove to Dawson park to watch The Princess Bride on a traveling blow up screen. They have a different movie in a different park each weekend day. We left the car on a street that was crawling with N.C. plates! Walked to the park and found a spot, sitting on our blanket, enjoying the slight breeze, the sway of the beautiful tree tops,no bugs, happy people, and free pop corn. It was cozy and fun.
I forgot to mention, yesterdays freebee was Mrs. Meyers dish soap samples.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


I got a whole lot of organizing/unpacking done yesterday. Lydia and I took Ayla on two walks! And when Ed came home we took a swim. For dinner we went to a local burger place called Burgerville. I ordered onion rings, they come in 3 or 5, I asked for 5. When the plate arrived it was overflowing with them! The girl said they gave me extra because they were small!
Today we are off to a little festival in Multnomah village, Ayla gets to come.
The festival was nice, Multnomah feels like a seaport without the sea, and everyone is so forward thinking. We watched a little parade and then looked around at the booths. Ayla was on the receiving end this time, with lot's of people offering her biscuits. She had a few and we paid for it in the car afterward.
When we left we decided to drive by our friend John's and go to the park on the river in Sellwood. There they had yet another festival waiting for us! Gypsy's! We passed through and took Ayla to the river where there was a whole lot of doggie frolicking going on. Once she warmed up, or cooled down, she started running up to everyone and every dog there, with the biggest smile on her face, I haven't seen her that happy in a long time.
After that we went back by John's (he is out of town) and Lydia had a mini playdate with the little girl who lives next door. They met when we were here in June. Left there, on to Goodwill and now home, where they went off to the pool and I am catching my breath while cooking dinner. PHEW!
I had a strange moment today at the parade. There was a group of women in their sixties and seventies twirling batons and having the best time. I looked up to see one of them smiling so large, having such a great time, who for some reason reminded me of Dad's mother and i quietly started to cry. I never cried when she died, I never really felt it, because she had already been gone while she was still here, and I was physically separated, I was used to being away and not seeing her regularly. So I guess today, the spark was lit. I stood back in quietude, rubbing her ring on my finger, and reminding myself that my memory of her, is a strong, no b.s., fun lady. That's why I wear her ring, it connects me, and reminds me when I start to get scared, to be strong, to expect more for/from myself, and to show my "legs".
I had heard Mama use the term once to describe my friend Randi, who had driven her R.V. by herself from Asheville to CT. She was surprised that little Randi did that, she said, "that girl has legs!".(I agree.)

Thursday, August 15, 2013


I was completely remiss in the last post! We went to Ikea first and foremost because Lydia's mostly brand new bed frame had two broken drawers after the move. It has been discontinued so we figured we would probably be SOL. We asked the woman on the floor if they might have any, she sent us to the As Is, and I asked the woman at the window there, she hopped on her computer and went into the back scrap heap in search of any possible matches. I am at this point envisioning having to make due with two empty drawer holes and wondering how I could fancy it up.
A young guy walks up with the pieces for both! AND he says to tell the cashier there is no charge!!!

Ed went on for day two at the job today. He is still excited, it's looking very promising.
When he came home for lunch we took Lydia to register at her school and had a mini tour. It's a nice, small elementary school and she will have recess three times a day! The day starts at 8:25 and ends at
3: something.
Afterward we dumped Ed off and headed for TJ Maxx, this is big folks, I had to push into unknown regions, a little shaky with the nerves. But it wasn't bad, we found it easily and then saw on the way home that it is actually very convenient to where we live! The GPS sent me two different ways and she called RT 217,
RT 10 which mixed me up, but I did a U-ey, legally mind you, and found my way.
There might be a law that you aren't supposed to go through solid yellow lights, if there is, I am expecting 2 or 3 tickets in the mail at some point.

We still have some boxes and piles laying around, but once we get to the bottom of all the useless, but can't throw away items, and reorganize, I think we will be okay for space. So far the glitches are, no medicine cabinets, small master bath with no storage and large guest with huge cabinet. The kitchen cabinet shelves are held in place with plastic pegs, which led to the demise of many dishes yesterday, hence the trip to TJ Maxx today. Really closet space/storage are the only problems. Oh, and bad phone reception.
They are reglazing(?) the pavement throughout the complex this next week, that's fun.

Ed and Lydia have been using the pool quite regularly. Ed will be going to the beach with the students the first week of school, and we are so looking forward to the Chris, Matt and Susan's visit Memorial day weekend!!!
Okay I think all is purged.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Ed walked out the door about half an hour ago. First day! He was ready and looking forward to it.
Yesterday we went down to the riverfront park and walked Ayla. I should say Lydia walked Ayla, she is becoming her alpha. We are well on our way to owning a hamster!
For a Tuesday afternoon I was amazed at all the people out running on the paths, on both sides of the river, groups of people, individual people, bike riders, stretchers...
After, we wanted to stop by one of the brick parks, as Ed had seen something about a weather machine that is there, when we got there people were taking down tents, they had had live music, as well as a tent set up for Ikea, not sure why. All on a regular Tuesday afternoon.
When we left there, as we walked down the street a man handed us all a new yogurt to try. Thanks again Portland! Now feeding us to be here.
Speaking of Ikea and free... We went the other day to get some thing we needed and I saw in the bathroom, excuse me squeamish ones, the tampon machine on the wall had a sign on it, "these tampons are free, just turn the handle".


Today we went to the Saturday market. Excuse me people, it was a street festival, they do it every weekend.  And here is the kicker, we were supposed to meet our friend there, but he was at the OTHER Saturday market with music etc...
As I do not yet drive downtown, Ed tells me, it's a breeze finding parking. It seems so from the passenger side. It was another beautiful day, with the sun shining, wind blowing, happy, unpretentious folks, milling around enjoying it too.
Lydia had a little money to spend and stopped at a table of necklaces, she turned to me with the sweetest face and told me to pick the one I want, she got herself one to match. What a moment!
Today is my awesome nephew Daniels birthday, Happy day to SLED! I remember when Stephen and Laurel visited me in Asheville, half a year or slightly more before Emily was on her way. So much time has passed so many lives have been lived and changed, and ended.
I find myself a little sad and aware of the end of my time in Asheville, with the people I knew so long ago, the person I was and have not seen for so long. Maybe for the best. Maybe not.
I had some of my most important times of growth in that little city. A bit of heartbreak, a whole lot of springboard experiences. Wonderful people who inspired me and led me forward in my life. Some who showed me through negative example, who not to be, personalities i tried on, that did not work for me. Luckily sometimes, sadly others. I learned to be by myself in the mountains of Asheville North Carolina. I was pushed by ego to drive myself to a mountain top and sit alone there pondering what stirred me. I learned new things, I was open to people and I felt great. Except when I felt sad. And when I did, there were those to sit by my side, to hear me cry, to watch as my pain washed away in those tears. I learned great love for sisters I may never have known, I learned to be open to the arrival of others.
When we left there for South Carolina I had to say goodbye to all that, for a bit. I put it on a shelf, not seeing anywhere to draw it out, but knowing one day, I would again.
Portland beckoned and I knew that the time was nigh! My moon self would rise again!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The start of all things new!

I have a tendency to stand very still, but when I move, I leap with eyes closed. I have to, if they were open I would over think the details, and never do anything.
 This can often be detrimental,  but alas, it gets things done. Hence this crazy whirlwind move to Portland.
So we got in late, picked up Ayla at Delta's cargo hold, happy that she survived the flight under the plane! And she seemed pretty at ease. We spent the night in our friends house in Sellwood and in the morning after free coffee and hot chocolate from Starbucks, thanks to Eds non swiping debit card, got the keys to our very empty, but refinished apartment. We stole some of Johns belongings to get us through this next week with none of our things, and set up.
 We have found that Portland is doing all sorts of nice things to get us to stay here, every time we turn around someone is giving us something. We took Ayla to the dog park today and a girl walked up and handed us a bag of dog treats promoting a new business opening! Ed found a dime. The Starbucks thing.
 Last night we went to the pool for the first time and met a woman and her daughter. The mom had recently given up teaching math to start a career in Ed tech! Ed and I laughed. She told us many great things about this neighborhood we picked from afar, after our quick pressure cooker visit this June. Though we put in a lot of deliberation, fearing an almost blind pick, it turns out we did VERY well.
Ayla had salon time yesterday, she loved it! No she didn't, but she came out so pretty and not so stinky.
Today in Target getting school supplies, a woman handed Lydia a dollar bill to buy crayons with.
Picked up our booklets for DMV, we have to take the test!!!
I was feeling overwhelm slipping it's grip around my psyche today, and then we ran into the woman we keep meeting, she told me about a job, (i don't speak spanish), and was just so kind and easy that the interaction eased up the stress. The Universe is all up inside this crazy move of ours!
Portland giveth and Portland taketh away!
After a lovely lunch at the food carts downtown with school chum Matt Groves, we found a $60 ticket on the car, for the stub being in the wrong window. As we pulled into the apartment lot the mover called, he will be here in the morning, and the first 12 steps are free, we have 13. We may be paying extra.
A horrible night's sleep, but alas it is moving day! Now if the neigh...Scratch that, the neighbors had a pod parked right at the top of our stairs, we had no idea when it would be moved and how our truck would fit, the phone rang, and as reception is very poor, I had to step out on the patio to answer (it was our truck driver) at the same time I heard the engine of another truck in the parking lot, they are taking the pod and our truck is 20 minutes away! We are in Portlands good graces again, we must tread lightly!