Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The start of all things new!

I have a tendency to stand very still, but when I move, I leap with eyes closed. I have to, if they were open I would over think the details, and never do anything.
 This can often be detrimental,  but alas, it gets things done. Hence this crazy whirlwind move to Portland.
So we got in late, picked up Ayla at Delta's cargo hold, happy that she survived the flight under the plane! And she seemed pretty at ease. We spent the night in our friends house in Sellwood and in the morning after free coffee and hot chocolate from Starbucks, thanks to Eds non swiping debit card, got the keys to our very empty, but refinished apartment. We stole some of Johns belongings to get us through this next week with none of our things, and set up.
 We have found that Portland is doing all sorts of nice things to get us to stay here, every time we turn around someone is giving us something. We took Ayla to the dog park today and a girl walked up and handed us a bag of dog treats promoting a new business opening! Ed found a dime. The Starbucks thing.
 Last night we went to the pool for the first time and met a woman and her daughter. The mom had recently given up teaching math to start a career in Ed tech! Ed and I laughed. She told us many great things about this neighborhood we picked from afar, after our quick pressure cooker visit this June. Though we put in a lot of deliberation, fearing an almost blind pick, it turns out we did VERY well.
Ayla had salon time yesterday, she loved it! No she didn't, but she came out so pretty and not so stinky.
Today in Target getting school supplies, a woman handed Lydia a dollar bill to buy crayons with.
Picked up our booklets for DMV, we have to take the test!!!
I was feeling overwhelm slipping it's grip around my psyche today, and then we ran into the woman we keep meeting, she told me about a job, (i don't speak spanish), and was just so kind and easy that the interaction eased up the stress. The Universe is all up inside this crazy move of ours!
Portland giveth and Portland taketh away!
After a lovely lunch at the food carts downtown with school chum Matt Groves, we found a $60 ticket on the car, for the stub being in the wrong window. As we pulled into the apartment lot the mover called, he will be here in the morning, and the first 12 steps are free, we have 13. We may be paying extra.
A horrible night's sleep, but alas it is moving day! Now if the neigh...Scratch that, the neighbors had a pod parked right at the top of our stairs, we had no idea when it would be moved and how our truck would fit, the phone rang, and as reception is very poor, I had to step out on the patio to answer (it was our truck driver) at the same time I heard the engine of another truck in the parking lot, they are taking the pod and our truck is 20 minutes away! We are in Portlands good graces again, we must tread lightly!

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