Monday, October 28, 2013


Oooh, I have been neglectful!
Time for a catchup. So let's see, last weekend we dropped Lydia off at her friend Edie's, and Ed and I walked around the Alphabet district until it was time to go home and upstairs to Jack and Jenni's openhouse. They are our new neighbors from Traverse Michigan. They are very friendly and happy people. Unfortunately only we and Mary our neighbor we already met, showed up. We still don't know who lives above us! Mary is a 50 ish lovely lady from Vermont. Ed stuck around for awhile and then went to play music with our friend from Asheville, John.
Jack and Jenni had gotten a load of firewood and when I came back from errands I found a stack by our door!
The week at school went a bit up and down, Lydia is still seeking her place. She made a new best friend and went home with her for a playdate, we had some drama for the next couple of days and then it subsided. I am hoping it's done.
Lydia was picked to head a team for the Oregon Book Battle, they have to read a bunch of books, discuss, answer questions and somehow are competing. It will go to State Nationals. ?.
She is proud of herself and her responsibilities. And reading more than ever!
Saturday we drove out to Multnomah Falls, it was a beautiful day and we had a real nice time. Ayla too! It felt like Christmas, the air was cool, but not cold, the smell of sugared nuts floated on the air, everyone was happy. Though it served to remind me that Christmas will not be like that this year. I am very sad that we won't be in CT. But we will be in San Diego with Ed's siblings which will be nice.
Sunday Ed had to work at his school's open house, Lydia and I had an invite from Edie's folks to go out to Roloff Farm (Little people, Big world). It was hard for me to say yes, I was really nervous about getting on the highway and driving somewhere I didn't know. But I forced myself and I am so glad I did. We had such a good time. I was so proud of myself! I also had the opportunity to teach by example. I was able to share with Lydia my fear, and how I worked through it.
This morning I got on the phone with OES and signed up for the lower school open house next week. We hope to get Lydia in for next year, though the tuition is pretty crazy, so we may not. I am seeing what Lydia is missing out on and it is frustrating. She was so well off at Hammond and it is evident every day.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Today was teachers planning, so Lydia was home and we had her friend Willa over to play until Ed got off work. We then picked up Edie and drove to Ed's school where we got on a bus with the students and were driven to Sauvie Island to a corn maze/pumpkin patch. It was fun to be back on the bus with the kids and we had a really great time. Lydia and Edie were their normal silly selves together, running and giggling. 
We started with a hayride that ended at a haybale pyramid, where the girls were playing, Lydia bumped into Edie, and her tooth knocked her knee and almost came out. It was just a bit bloody and she was fine. Luckily it was a loose one, and a baby tooth!